Required social studies classes
Students are required to earn 3-1/2 credits in social studies. American government, world history, United States history, and economics and public issues are required. Multiple levels of difficulty are offered for all required classes and the instructional level and materials are modified according to the needs of the students. Students have an opportunity to take Advanced Placement classes for world history, United States history and economics.
Elective Courses
Psychology - This is a study of human behavior, examined within the context of the behavioral sciences of psychology and sociology. Fundamental to this course is a focus upon identity development, schools of psychology, normal and abnormal behaviors, and treatment.
Advanced Placement Psychology - This course is designed to prepare students to take an advanced placement examination for college credit. Course content will be based upon demands of the examination and processes required for success on the examination.
Juvenile Justice – This course offers students an alternative look at the U.S. justice system through the eyes of adolescents. This course supports the Law Related Careers program but is open to all Eastern students.
Military History - This course will help students to develop an understanding of various military strategies throughout history. The course topics range from Spartan strategies utilized in 400BCE to modern day technology that our current soldiers are using. The class also discusses the idea of military leadership and the nature of conflict.
Advanced Placement Economics- This rigorous course is an alternative to the economics and public issues course and students can earn college credit if they pass one or both of the tests. Eastern students have scored exceptionally well on the test.